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Coccoon Series 

            My work always seems to be held together by one common thread; science or biology due to my background in the field when first entering college. Biology has again inspired this series of work in the specific forms and form language that I chose to use throughout my pieces. I was initially inspired by cocoons and the way they encase and protect an insect during their pupa stage. The feeling I get when putting on adornments or clothing is the same feeling that a caterpillar gets when encasing itself in a cocoon or chrysalis. The cocoon or chrysalis serves as protection like clothing gives us protection from the elements. Inspired by this thought of protecting like clothing I decided to take that idea to the next level and decided to knit in wire to construct all cocoons and chrysalis forms to represent the form language and process of how clothing is made. The False Burnet Moth, whose cocoon has the appearance of a knitted form, also inspired me. I was motivated for my three pieces by three specific insects, the moth, the butterfly and the silk worm, and used their specific type of cocoon or chrysalis as the focus of that particular piece.  All the forms I have been making are inspired by insect species, along with how they respond to their environment to get a cohesive and commanding look with the series. .

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